Which emperor gave themselves this title on their coins: 'Al-imam al-Azam Khalifa rub al amin', translating to 'The supreme head of Islam, the Khalifa, the lord of heaven and earth'?
Which Indo-Greek ruler issued coins depicting an elephant and a humped bull?
The Gandabherunda emblem appears on the coins of this king:
A tanka (a silver coin weighing 10.8 gm) was first minted by:
Who is the author of 'Catalogue of Coins in the Indian Museum'?
Rulers of this dynasty adopted titles like Maharaja, Rajatiraja and Devaputra:
In 1993, the Rabatak inscription was found at Sirsukh kotal in this location:
The repoussé style of metalwork was used by which dynasty on their coins?
The term punch-marked was first used in relation to coins by this expert:
The legend 'Avyaktamekam Muhammad Avatar' appeared on the coins of this king: